Plant enhancement modules (PEMs)

Service 2: Plant Enhancement Modules (PEMs) with focus on Rotating Equipment. These are specially designed for end users (plant owners).

ETEQ’s PEMs add value in setting set up robust systems to enhance reliability/ availability of rotating equipment assets. These specialty modules provide specific technical/ operational/ functional improvement and can make a huge difference to the plant in enhancing plant integrity/ reliability.

Currently ETEQ offers 5 modules.
Module 1: Rotating Equipment Criticality Assessment and Assignment

Typical plant will have spared and un-spared equipment. Some equipment will be in services where failure can result in significant margin loss whereas failure of some equipment will result in significant threat to HSE.

This module has an interactive program covering the following:

  1. What should be the criticality of auxiliary equipment? (e.g., lube oil pumps for a major compressor/ turbine train)
  2. What should be the criticality of 2 reciprocating compressors in one single service, when one is normally online and the other on standby?
  3. We offer a balanced model to define equipment criticality.
  4. We will have liaison with engineering/ technology/ operations and maintenance teams in your plant and equipment criticality will be defined by considering logic, safety, technical best practices as well as impact on business to determine equipment criticality and finalize the same with mutual consensus.

Frequency of maintenance tasks, work priority for maintenance, priority for spares review and stock can be streamlined once criticality is assigned.


Before site visit

  1. We will provide a template (Excel file) to the site in which the site will fill in the details. The equipment will be listed as per the process unit.
  2. We will request for P&ID (or PEFS) where above equipment is indicated and review those
  3. Status of existing equipment criticality will be reviewed

Expected hours: 40 (5 days)

During site visit

  1. Conduct a HAZOP like workshop with nominated key staff from operations engineering and maintenance staff.
  2. Protocol will be explained to the team and followed. Process units will be identified and prioritized for this exercise that can be addressed in 5 days.
  3. Criticality will be assessed and assigned to each rotating equipment from the prioritized units.
  4. Presentation of workshop outcome to senior management.
  5. Report presentation to nominated key staff and closeout.

Expected hours: 40 (5 days)

Module 2: Preventive-Condition based maintenance

Pre-requisite: We recommend that Module 1.1 is completed before this module.

Set up a structured condition monitoring program and provide training on using the existing software effectively as well as conducting analysis and generating actions.

We can set up an excellent module that addresses the following:

  1. What parameters are to be measured/ captured and trended, analysed on what type of equipment?
  2. What units should be used and what should be the threshold values based on which interventions can be authorised?
  3. What software/ system is more user-friendly? Advise on buying new software if existing one is not good enough.
  4. How to set-up the monitoring routes? What should be monitoring frequency?
  5. Train personnel for using the program/ analysing data/ making decisions.

Allows moving from breakdown maintenance to condition based maintenance where damage to equipment, time to repair and costs are all significantly reduced.


Before site visit

  1. We will provide a template (Excel file) to the site in which the site will fill in the details. The equipment will be listed as per the process unit. Service details, equipment type details, OEM details will be captured.
  2. Status of existing equipment monitoring will be reviewed.
  3. Equipment currently used for capturing and storing data will be reviewed.

Expected hours: 40 (5 days)

During site visit

  1. Conduct a HAZOP like workshop with nominated key staff from engineering and maintenance staff.
  2. Protocol will be explained to the team and followed. Equipment will be identified and prioritized for this exercise that can be addressed in 5 days.
  3. Current status will be assessed, and improvements will be advised for condition monitoring of each rotating equipment from the prioritized units.
  4. Presentation of workshop outcome to senior management.
  5. Report presentation to nominated key staff and closeout.

Expected hours: 40 (5 days)

Module 3: Rotating Equipment Health Check and performance review 

ETEQ offers detailed review of operating duty, design versus current performance., together with assets (Compressors, Turbines, Pumps) mechanical condition assessment.

This is a specialty module for Rotating Equipment:

These modules can make a huge difference to the plant in enhancing plant integrity/ reliability.


Health check of Specific Major Rotating Equipment

You know the exact status of your major equipment and it helps you in your 5 years or 10 years asset management plan

Note that this applies to a specific equipment. We recommend that all major Rotating Equipment should undergo our comprehensive health check module, one at a time.

A typical protocol will involve the following:

  • Start with existing data sheets/ performance curves and history (records/ interviews).
  • Review the availability of actual parameters which are required for performance monitoring and advise if additional instrumentation is required.
  • Get required relevant data and calculate/ analyse performance.
  • Compare with design/ expected performance.
  • Provide advise on what actions may be required in short term and long term.
  • Provide clear advise whether normal maintenance is adequate or modification/ replacement is needed.
Module 4:  Key Performance Indices (KPIs) for Rotating Equipment and related maintenance

This is a specialty module for Rotating Equipment:

These modules can make a huge difference to the plant in enhancing plant integrity/ reliability.


Set up the KPI’s for RE and recommend tools to capture/ present KPI’s/ analyse KPI’s and enhance equipment reliability

Benefit: Know where you stand (asset condition) and plan where you want to be.

Key Performance Indices (KPI’s) should actually assist in enhancing equipment reliability and should not be a “tick on the box” item.

Defining Rotating Equipment KPIs is an art and we offer you the proven and effective model that will enable you to:

  • Define KPIs for all RE in your plant
  • Create model to capture data for related KPI’s
  • Create KPI templates for presentation and analysis

  •  Assistance in benchmarking your plant to rest and best of similar plants

Module 5: Structured Switch Over Program for Rotating Equipment 

This is a specialty module for Rotating Equipment:

These modules can make a huge difference to the plant in enhancing plant integrity/ reliability.


Set up a structured pump/ compressor switch over program (SPSOP). Too many equipmets starts (and stops) and too less starts (and stops) ar both not the optimum solutions.

Set up best suited program for spared/ unspared rotating equipment at your plant.

Significant increase in equipment reliability and availability as maintenance can be conducted in an organised and planned manner.

ETEQ can set up an excellent model that addresses the following:

  • How to avoid scenarios when a spare pump does not function when you expect it to?
  • How to have a scheduled program for planned maintenance tasks if status of equipment on-line is not clear?
  • What is the ideal frequency for pump/ compressor switch over?
  • Complexity of all switch-over’s will not be the same and we will get the necessary multi-disciplinary consensus in your plant to  mitigate the resistance to switch over for complex equipment
  • Divide the plant or plant areas in “standard” and “special” equipment pairs
  • Provide model/ tools to run the agreed program within operations and maintenance