ETEQ is now offering PSMS-RE, a new and unique engineering service focussed on Rotating Machinery.

Do take a look at ETEQ’s other services. Our clients are mainly large plant owners that have large number (> 1000) of rotating equipment at their plants. Our team has either developed a condition based preventive maintenance protocol from scratch or has enhanced the existing protocols in these large plants.

Now ETEQ is offering this new optimised service to all companies that have a small number (< 50) of rotating equipment at their plants.

The basic principle of PSMS-RE service is “A stich in time, saves nine”.

ETEQ selects the best suited sensors and monitoring protocols for your specific equipment from the following methods.

1.Vibrations measurements and analysis.

2.Temperature measurements and analysis.

3.Oil sampling and analysis.

4.Noise measurements and analysis.

5.Motor current measurement and analysis.

6. Speed measurement and analysis.

7. Process parameters measurements and analysis with comparison with parameters 1~6 above in realistic real time.

ETEQ assigns TLVs (Threshould value/s) to your epecific equipment. When this TLV is reached, the equipment must be stopped and maintenance must be undertaken.

ETEQ will not conduct the actual maintenance, but our services includes, information on anticipated repairs required, presence at dis-assembly, advising correct repair protocols, ensuring that equipment is assembled properly and reporting equipment status after it is back in service. We will conduct RCA (Root Cause Analysis), if required to prevent recurrig failures.


ETEQ’s new clients will be excited to get these services as they will save lot of money and time by avoiding annoying and unpredictable equipment stoppages.

Engaging with ETEQ for this new service, new clients will get best in class support from rotating equipment specialists (subject mater experts).

  1. How will we monitor your equipment?
  2. How we will keep you informed?
  3. What will be included in our services?

Do contact us so that we can visit your plant and present our services in more details to understand the above.